Posted by Neredbojias on 05/28/06 09:20
To further the education of mankind, withrye@gmail.com vouchsafed:
> I wanted a different layout for my site redesign and considered having
> my entries align to the bottom of the screen rather than to the top. It
> seemed simple enough. I defined a div and positioned it with a nice
> bottom:0px. The relevant code:
> .entry {
> position: absolute;
> bottom: 0px;}
> Then I resized to check how well the layout breaks when subjected to
> different resolutions. That's when I discovered that when the height of
> the div exceeds the height of the browser window, the top part of the
> div simply disappears. There are no scrollbars to allow access either.
> Uh oh time.
> I know I can both align the contents to the bottom of the screen AND
> have scrollbars when the div overflows if I use a table cell with
> valign="bottom". I don't know how to do this with CSS at all.
> Here is my site:
> [url=http://three.fsphost.com/saladday]three.fsphost.com/saladday[/url].
> If you resize the browser window, you can see the problem.
Your url's screwed up.
There was a question similar to this in ciwah or ciwas, although that OP
was concerned about aligning plentiful content to the bottom and getting no
In short, you can't do it with just css. What can be done is to position
top, put a reference marker at the bottom/last entry of the container body
and call the page with said reference hashed. However, with content that
does not extend at least to the full height of the container, the last
entry will not be at the bottom, either.
Infinity has its limits.
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