Posted by Edwin van der Vaart on 05/28/06 22:35
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Luigi Donatello Asero" skrev i meddelandet
>> "Frank Olieu" skrev i meddelandet
>>> _Luigi Donatello Asero_ skrev | wrote | écrivit (28-05-2006 18:31):
> Jedit has a java version.
> But after downloading the file I do not know how to open it...
> Perhaps I should choose another version...
> I am working on a Windows platform now...
> Otherwise how can I open this file?
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/jedit/jedit42install.jar?use_mirror=heanet
For Java-based installing on a Mac there is an installation instruction at:
For OS/2:
For *nix:
For vms (I believe it's Virtual MachineS):
For Windows:
There's also a RPM for Linux, look in your package management of your
Edwin van der Vaart
http://www.semi-conductor.nl/ Links to Semiconductors sites
http://www.evandervaart.nl/ Edwin's persoonlijke web site
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