Posted by Erwin Moller on 05/30/06 08:07
Robert Miller wrote:
> Hi,
> I have troubles using PHPeclipse on only one workstation: On my laptop
> it works fine, perfect.
> On my other workstation: When I made an double click on the navigator on
> the left hand side, then an new eclipse instance will start. I say "no"
> in the opening message box what is asking for an new workspace, then the
> file is now in the edit-main-window.
> But not always. Sometimes. Irritating.
> As I mentioned before, this is an behaviour just in the workstation, not
> on the other computer I have.
> PHPeclipse is (when I have solved that issue) the best development
> platform I ever had for PHP developments. Maybe others had solved that
> issue.
> Thx - Robert
Hi Robert,
I used PHPeclipse for some time, mainly because I used Eclipse when I was
coding Java before, but I quited with it. It is slow, has many bugs, some
are just surfacing without any (appearant) reason.
The logfiles will often contain some error, but as usual with Java, quite
So I posted a message here some time back, asking people for their favorite
IDE for PHP, and got many responses. I tried a few and like PHPDeveloper
the best (for W$-machines that is).
So I switched to PHPdeveloper. It is simple, but has excactly a set of
features I need. Many filebrowser, syntaxhighlighting and API-intergration.
If you have the same feeling as I had before switching (AARGH!! I do not
want to change IDE, it will take ages for me to get used to it), believe
me: I was up and running within the hour.
If you want it, google for it.
Erwin Moller
PS: Oh, I don't know what is causing your problem in Eclipse. ;-)
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