Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/30/06 18:12
darthmincho@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi.
> I want to check if an image exists on a remote server, and if it does,
> show it. I
> If it does not exist I want to show a default message. I have
> previously used these chunks of code but none of them have worked. Any
> Ideas?
> ------------------------
> $imgCheck=readfile("http.//www.somesite.com/image.gif");
> if($imgCheck) echo "<img border=0
> src=\"http.//www.somesite.com/image.gif\" width=\"550\" height=\"80\"
> alt=\"banner\">";
> -------------------------
> $fp = @fopen("http.//www.somesite.com/image.gif","r");
> if ($fp) {
> echo '<img border=0 src="http.//www.somesite.com/image.gif" width="550"
> height="80" alt="banner">';
> } else { echo 'Resource not valid'; }
> ------------------------
> Thanks ;o
readfile() won't work because it echoes the output to the user (unless you've
buffered it).
fopen() should work, though.
It would help if you told us what happens when you try.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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