Posted by Chris on 05/31/06 00:11
On Tue, 30 May 2006 16:05:31 -0700, Michael Vilain wrote:
> In article <11u9xxz5w7gx6$.ye0g6zklx2ir.dlg@40tude.net>,
> Chris <ngfb@chris-street.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 May 2006 12:26:14 -0700, Michael Vilain wrote:
>>>>> What's the setting for "sendmail_path" in your php.ini file?
>>>> /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
>>>> You can see the entire output here if that helps any more.
>>>> Thanks.
>>> And what happens when you type
>>> /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i mail@myaddress.com
>>> Subject: test
>>> message
>>> ^D
>>> in a shell?
>> That works fine, also works if I run mail from the shell and send a mail
>> from in there. I think that sendmail is setup OK (but could be wrong)
>>> If that fails, try using
>>> /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -v -i
>>> instead.
>> Do you mean from the command line or modify the setting in php.ini? I've
>> changed it in php.ini - still no joy I'm afraid.
>> I don't need any extra rpm's for my PHP installation do I? My understanding
>> was that all I needed was the base php for mail - I have that and php-mysql
>> for the database backend
> I'm running php on a Macintosh, so I can't comment on your specific
> setup. When you say "it doesn't work", what happens? What status does
> mail("mail@myaddress.com","subject", "body") return? What's in your log
> for sendmail traffic, where ever you have it configured? Is it just not
> working from inside php or does it actually go to sendmail, then fail?
> What about the http log file for touching that page?
I don't think it was even getting as far as sendmail. Nothing in the logs,
and no error codes etc were returned. In order to see if there was a
problem I uninstalled PHP and then reinstalled all the required RPM's and
libraries - it now seems to work just fine and dandy. Most bizzare - still
no idea *why* it didn't work!
Thanks for all your help and encouragement though - I was ready to revert
back to my old windows box to run this until I found the answer!
> [just some SWAGs...]
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