Posted by johnfowles on 10/29/06 11:49
PeterMcC wrote:
"On the off-chance that the above "Street Peter" refers to my post:"
actually in view of the religious tone of the message I was replying to
my "st" was short for "saint' not street and I had scoured all previous
postings to this thread to see where "perfection" came from.
Anyway many thanks for your wishes Peter.
I checked your profile and found that you are a fan of two UK soccer
clubs and of the Lombard Automobile Factory, Public Company so you must
be a good sort.
I myself lived most of my life in Sherborne Dorset but am now in New
If you check my profile you can see that I recently started a thread on on
"Drop The Dead Donkey"
Previously I had fun with the UK pound sign at:-
Now to try to post this one just once (if my browser and google groups
are now talking to each other in a timely fashion that is to prevent me
getting impatient and clicking the send link twice!!
John Fowles
(Some other fiends already had AND back in 2001)
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