Posted by Sid Ismail on 10/15/79 11:49
On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 20:38:06 -0400, Jud McCranie
<youknowwhat.mccranie@adelphia.net> wrote:
: I created some HTML files for my webpage using Microsoft Word. If I
: go to my webpage in Mozilla Firefox, changing the text size works. If
: I go to it in Internet Explorer, the "text size" doesn't change the
: size. Is there something I need to do so that IE users can change the
: text size?
Microsoft Word is what you use to tell your mother-in-law that you'll
be away if she wants to visit. It is NOT a webpage editor. Never
was, never will be.
Get a decent one - Textpad, EditPad (even Lite), etc etc
Worse than Word is Frontpage and xls to html, btw.
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