Posted by Bent Stigsen on 12/10/88 11:49
HaggMan wrote:
> Thanks for the reply...
> My goal is to allow user input in UTF-8, in Arabic script, for example.
> I then save what they input to a file. Then I'd like to retrieve and
> print out the original stuff that they wrote.
> I've tried various variations of utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() and
> even without them, and every time, the resulting stuff is just ????? or
> other weird characters.
If what you get sent is in UTF-8 and the page you send out is in
UTF-8, then you don't need to do anything.
Make sure what you get really is UTF-8 (e.g.
"mb_detect_encoding($thetext)" )
Also make sure the browser is told it is UTF-8. (check headers,
metatags, xml-declaration)
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