Posted by Edwin van der Vaart on 01/20/58 11:49
David Segall wrote:
> Edwin van der Vaart <e.vandervaart@want.nospam.com> wrote:
>> Hereby a list of editors.
>> HMTL not for free:
> I'm surprised that the two most popular editors, Adobe Dreamweaver
> <http://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver/> and Microsoft FrontPage
> <http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX010858021033.aspx>, are not on
> this list.
They will be listed the next time when somebody ask for editors.
>> ibm websphere : http://www-3.ibm.com/software/webservers/hpbuilder/
> IBM have dropped WebSphere Studio Homepage Builder which did belong in
> this category. They do offer Rational Web Developer for WebSphere
> Software
> <http://www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/web/index.html >
> which is a complete IDE for developing web applications and I think it
> is too complicated to include here.
But they still offer WebSphere see at:
Edwin van der Vaart
http://www.semi-conductor.nl/ Links to Semiconductors sites
http://www.evandervaart.nl/ Edwin's persoonlijke web site
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24help.info, issociate.de, velocityreviews, umailcampaign.com,
gthelp.com, webfrustration.com, excip.com and many other to duplicate
this post.
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