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Re: How to retain user input in a form file field ?

Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 06/10/06 07:35

Yohan N. Leder <> scripsit:

>> Periodically discard old temporary files instead.
> Even if better for client side, it sounds like less smart on server
> one.

In HTML forms, the server needs to be smart, since HTML forms are so
stupid^H^H^H^H^H^Hsimple by design.

> Well, do you confirm or not that an hidden field containing a
> client path will send data as a file field does ?

What are you talking about? Weren't you explained that such ideas don't
work? Surely a hidden field containing a string (that you call "client
path") will send exactly that string.

If you included the _content_ of the submitted file (suitably encoded) into
a hidden field, you could expect to get it back (as encoded, so you would
first need to decode it). But this would be rather pointless, since it is
simpler and surely more efficient to store data on the server and retain an
_identifier_ for it.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")



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