Posted by julian_m on 06/13/06 00:13
I've a site working as follows
Table "articles"
[...more fields]
When somebody want to see the article's details, I generate (thorugh
php) a page where all the detalis are listed, as well as the article's
views (images)
If the articles's id is $id, then, I search for its images this way:
for ($i=1;$i<11;$i++){
$filename= $path.$id.'_'.$i.'.jpg';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
Show the image here
This let me upload from 1 to 10 views, and show them as long as they
are in the sever
Pretty easy as you can see, but, the problem is that there could be (in
fact, there will be) more that 10000 images in the same directory.
I'm wondering whether there will be some kind of speed-problem with
file_exists function using it to search among such a number of files...
Had anyone experiences/problems with this ?
regards - jm
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