Posted by Frankly on 09/28/62 11:50
>> I am thinking it would be better to hardcode the path. I tried to do the
>> 2 foreign key, primary key thing.
> Should be
> CREATE TABLE tablename( id1 INT, id2 INT, PRIMARY KEY(id1,id2));
i dont know what code was created within the admin. now that I think my
tables are stable enough
its time to try this 2 primary key thing. ok ok I know its not ready yet.
that new ImageApartmentsBuildings table got me not knowing again.
> You could make a relation table with ImageID, ApartmentID and BuildingID,
> this way you don't have to make as many joins if you want to show pictures
> from all apartments in a building. The ImageID could be the name of the
> picture.
> //Aho
I have been looking at other database relationships trying to figure out how
I can use it to create my relations. I don't know if this is right at all.
Management Table
ManID - Key, Int Auto
Name - varchar (45)
FirstName - Varchar (20)
LastName - varchar (20)
Phone - Varchar (20)
Address - Varchar (45)
City - varchar (20) default New York
State varchar (2) default NY
ZipCode - Varchar (10)
Website - Varchar (255)
Buildings Table - for the yes/no fields I would like to create a default
that isn't yes or no.
One that lets me know that information isn't known yet. I am thinking a
default of 2 for unknown.
BuildingID - Key - INT - Auto
Name - Varchar (20)
Address - varchar ( 45 )
Cross streetA - Varchar 50
Cross StreetB - Varchar 50
WebSite - Varchar 255
Picture - Varchar 25
Elevator- varchar 1 default 2
Laundry - varchar 1 default 2
Dogs - varchar 1
Cats - varchar 1.
pets comments if pets = 1 - if empty dont show.
Gym -varchar 1
video intercome varchar 1
contact varchar 45
contact phone varchar 45
Area varchar 20
Zip Code Varchar 10
RelationManagementBuilding table
ManagementID INT
BuildingID INT
Apartments Table
ApartmentID - PK auto - int to image table?
BuildingID - int
Rent - dec
AptNumber - varchar 6
Bedroom - dec 3
bathroom - dec 3
WebSite varchar 255
Picture varchar 25
Notes - text - there will be 4 picture fields and 1 note field for each
MoveInDate - Date 0000-00-00
Still Available Varchar 2
ZipArea table
ZipCode varchar 10
Area varchar 20
RelationPictureApartmentBuilding Table\
ImageID Auto
ApartmentID F, int to apartments table
BuildingID int
I have been looking at other database relationships trying to figure out how
I can use it to create my relations. I don't know if this is right at all.
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