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Re: Css-Layout vs Table-Layout

Posted by TC on 06/19/06 19:27

Hi Philp :-)

Philip wrote:

> What's wrong with a smorgasbord of opinions? =)

Nothing at all. Bring 'em on!

> > Here's a very simple example:
> > What would be a specific, real-world benefit of changing that table to
> > DIV's + CSS instead?
> Well, I think the recommendation would be to change it to UL/LIs rather
> than just generic DIVs. One advantage of this approach would be that you
> could change the list to a numbered list by just changing the UL to an OL.

I'm not sure that I understand you. I don't *want* that table to look
like a list. I want it to look exactly the way that it currently does.
Are you saying that I could get the same look, by changing the info to
lists & then styling those lists? If so, what would be the specific
advantage? IOW, why would I bother? Wouldn't I just get lots of LIs
(versus lots of TDs)?

> It is easier for automated tools to process content when it is separated
> from presentation, hence the value of something like XML+XSLT.

I've had one brush with XSL. I don't intend to have another! :-(

Thanks for all your other comments, which I have read & digested. It's
now 5am here, so I am off to bed & will get back to this thread in 12
hours or so.

TC (MVP MSAccess)



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