Posted by Martin Jay on 06/20/06 20:37
In message <0001HW.C0BDE4D100DDF6B0F0407530@news.individual.net>, Sally
Thompson <me2@privacy.net> writes
>On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 16:47:49 +0100, Luigi Donatello Asero wrote
>(in article <FMUlg.5604$E02.1858@newsb.telia.net>):
>> Please criticize this page (not the whole website)
>> https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com/it/svezia.html
>> except the lack of a title for each image because I am working on that.
>Also the picture of the seagull immediately after Gullmarn, l´unico
>vero fiordo svedese leaps from one side to the other if I change the
>width of my browser window.
Same here. I think it would look better centred or floated left (or
right) with text flowing around it.
The two pictures after the bird could also do with centring.
Also the "Popolazione in Svezia nel 2002, 2003 e 2004" table it in an
odd position in my browser, see
<http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/Luigi_01.jpg>. And the picture above
it seems to be poorly placed: it looks are though it should go up or
down a line.
I think the search box also needs to be centred, and I don't like the
way the menus are right-justified with centred headings. It just looks
very odd. <http://www.spam-free.org.uk/pages/Luigi_02.jpg>.
And the layout of the paragraphs seem a bit erratic. The first line of
some are indented, some are not. Some of the paragraphs are the full
width of my browser window, others are not, see
It looks a bit of a jumble to me, which is a shame because you appear to
have some useful content, even though I don't understand a word of it.
Oh, and your HTML looks a bit bloated. Take the follow, for example. Do
you really need to give each <li> the same class?
<li class="horizontal"><a href="#posizionegeografica">La posizione
geografica della Svezia</a></li>
<li class="horizontal"><a href="storia-e-politica-in-svezia.html">Storia
e politica della Svezia</a></li>
<li class="horizontal"><a href="#democrazia">La democrazia, la
rappresentanza politica e l´emancipazione femminile in
Martin Jay
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