Posted by Martin Jay on 06/25/06 13:16
In message <>, Martin Jay
<> writes
>In message <ce7ee$449e159b$40cba7c7$8381@NAXS.COM>, Jonathan N. Little
><> writes
>>Event handlers attached by 'addEventListener' do not seem to pass
>>values in time to cancel form submission unlike the methods that it is
>>supposed to replace. In an attempt to keep the markup as clean as
>>possible, I add the handlers from the attached javascript page and I
>>have noticed the trouble. Small demo to illustrate:
>> "">
>><html><head><title>Attached Events</title>
>><script type="text/javascript">
>>function cancelIt(){
>> alert("This should cancel the form submission");
>> return false;
>There's some information about it and the IE alternative at:
And in particular this near the bottom of the page:
"Preventing the default action"
Looks like it does what you want.
Martin Jay
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