Posted by Stefan Mueller on 06/25/06 17:30
> The "solution" is usually called cloaking and relies on either
> scripting or frames to enclose the page at
> http://www.test.com/test/start.html in the (almost) non-existent page
> at http://www.example.com/index.html.
Yes, I used to do it with frames:
File: http://www.example.com/index.html
<title>Stealth URL Forwarding to
<frameset border = "0" rows = "100%,*" frameborder = "no" marginleft =
"0" margintop = "0" marginright = "0" marginbottom ="0">
<frame src="http://www.test.com/test/start.html" scrolling = "auto"
frameborder = "no" border = "0" noresize>
<frame topmargin= "0" marginwidth = "0" scrolling = "no" marginheight =
"0" frameborder = "no" border = "0" noresize>
That works fine with most web pages but unfortunately not with all.
My domain manager (www.mydomain.com) allows me to do 'Stealth URL
Forwarding' and that seems to work with all web pages. However, because the
domain manager of my colleague doesn't offer such a feature, we have to
program it ourself.
But we have no idea how to do it nor how my domain manager
(www.mydomain.com) does it. We just know that it's somehow possible.
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