Posted by jojo on 01/22/02 11:51
Andy Dingley <dingbat@codesmiths.com> schrieb:
> jojo wrote:
>> ASFAIK their is a order in which color, formats, font-style and so on
>> are used:
> There's no "order" in CSS. Instead there is a cascade, with specificity
> rules and calculations. This needn't give rise to a simple linear order
> in all cases, it's more complex than that.
>> Specified by style-Attribut
>> Specified by font-tag
>> Specified in internal Stylesheets
>> Specified in external Stylesheets
> As you describe it here, <font> (and some other HTML presentational
> information) gets treated as lower than the stylesheets too. A browser
> can also ignore them entirely, should it wish to (i.e. a pure CSS
> browser).
> Here's the ref:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#q13
> "The UA may choose to honor presentational attributes in an HTML source
> document. If so, these attributes are translated to the corresponding
> CSS rules with specificity equal to 0, and are treated as if they were
> inserted at the start of the author style sheet."
Thanks, I didn't know it exactly.
But still: if some css-layout is not used I would try to make it
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