Posted by Andy Jeffries on 11/22/30 11:51
On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 19:11:41 -0700, campbeld wrote:
> What is the best IDE for programming PHP/HTML/JavaScript etc?
> I'm looking for an IDE that makes it easier to profit in the Web
> Development industry. Any successful professionals want to guide me in the
> right direction?
It depends on your needs...
I wrote gPHPEdit to fit my needs:
1) Quick
2) Native to Linux/GNOME
3) Some assistance functions (integrated help, function popup lists and
hints, templates, plugins)
I'm a successful professional and I love gPHPedit.org :-)
But if you're after interactive debugging or Windows support, (waves hand)
this isn't the software you're looking for...
Andy Jeffries MBCS CITP ZCE | gPHPEdit Lead Developer
http://www.gphpedit.org | PHP editor for Gnome 2
http://www.andyjeffries.co.uk | Personal site and photos
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