Posted by --CELKO-- on 06/30/06 12:45
>> I have SP, which has a cursor iterations. Need to call another SP for
every loop iteration of the cursor. <<
No. You need to learn to program in SQL. All you are doing is
mimicing a 1960's 3GL magnetic tape file system . In your pseudo
code, you even refer to fields instead of columns! You put the "sp_"
prefix on procedure names!
Don't you understand that SQL is a non-procedurdal language? You
should write only a few cursors in 20 years, not two in one
Your whole approach to the problem is **fundamentally** wrong.
>> The problem I had been facing is that, the when a stored proc is called within the loop, the proc is getting into infinite loops. <<
It is very hard to de-bug code that you will not show us. But when
pseudo code is this awful, I bet that the real code is a total mess.
More cursors? Dynamic SQL? Badly written procedural code with poor
coupling and cohesion?
>> Any Help would be appreciated. <<
You have no idea what you are doing. What you will get on Newsgroups
is a quick kludge to get rid of you, but not any real help. You need
to stop programming and get some education; then get some training.
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