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Re: polish font on web page?

Posted by Toby Inkster on 09/28/47 11:52

bowler wrote:

> I have very basic knowledge of html. I can do a simple web page, link
> pictures and organize, etc. just using the text program. I want to help
> a friend who is Polish do a page but I don't even know the principle of
> getting these fonts on his computer so he can type in his language. he
> doesn't have Polish font in Microsoft word either.

I'm not sure what you mean by "Polish font". Polish uses the same
set of characters as most other Western languages, like English, but has a
few characters with diacritics:

Ąą Ćć Ęę Łł Ńń Óó Śś Źź Żż

Most common fonts (e.g. Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica, etc) include
these characters.

Actually inputting these characters is another matter. If there is a lot
of text to be typed up, make sure you enable Polish keyboard input in your
operating system settings. When enabled, you should be able to use the
AltGr key to input these characters. For example:

AltGr + Shift + C = Ć
AltGr + N = ń

and so on.

If there are only a few words here and there, then you may be able to get
away with copying and pasting the characters from, for example, this

The important thing to get right when creating pages in Polish is to make
sure you save the files with the correct character set -- this should be
an option available in whatever program you're using to make the pages.
You should choose either "UTF-8" or "ISO 8859-2". "UTF-16" and "ISO
8859-16" are also options, but less well-supported by browsers.

Of the two character sets I've recommended, ISO 8859-2 is the best
supported, but it lacks the Euro sign, and should only really be used for
Central and Eastern European languages that use the Latin alphabet. UTF-8
has a Euro sign and allows you to easily mix Polish with other languages
(e.g. Japanese) on the same page. UTF-8 is not quite as well-supported in
some older software, but overall I would recommend it above ISO 8859-2.

Whichever you choose though, be consistant; and make sure your server is
properly configured to serve the pages with the correct character set in
the HTTP header. This is important, and if you don't understand it you
should ask your hosting company for help.

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
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