Posted by Jim Higson on 09/29/06 11:52
Chris Tomlinson wrote:
> Hi, is there any way to specify the sequence in which images load on a web
> page?
> More specifically, here is what we need to achieve:
> Image1 starts loading first and the browser does not continue through the
> HTML until Image1 has loaded COMPLETELY. When Image1 is done, Image2
> loading. When Image2 is 100% done, only then does Image 3 begin... and so
> on...
> Anyone able to offer a way to do this? Some sort of browser "Pause"
> command is the ideal solution, which would pause the loading of HTML until
> the current command has completed, and THEN move on to the next 'chunk' of
A couple of ideas:
* using data URLs would do exactly this in almost everything except IE -
because the images are included in the HTML file, they would always load in
order. Be warned that this makes the HTML very large though and IE7
probably also won't support data URLs. Another problem is if you include an
image from two HTML files it has to be loaded twice.
* Restrict number of http connections per client to image resources at the
server end so each person can only get one image at once, but can retrieve
several of any other kind of resource (HTML, CSS etc). You'd just need a
little script that does a few of the things the webserver usually does. Not
sure how you would distinguish people though - doing this by IP (at least
until IPv6) would be bad for users behind a NAT, but maybe there is some
other way.
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