Posted by Mel on 07/11/06 13:53
On 2006-07-11 23:47:26 +1000, "Julian Moorhouse" <mindwarpltd@gmail.com> said:
> Hi,
> I've been struggle with the code below.
> I've tried mysql_fetch_assoc and various other functions, but can't
> seem to get it to work.
> The code works as far as that point though.
> Any suggestions?
> Jules.
> global $first_name;
> global $last_name;
> global $password;
> function get_acct_rec($email){
> $conn = db_connect(HOST, USER, PASS, DB, PORT);
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM `clients` WHERE `email` = '" . $email . "';";
> $c_result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die("Failed to execute query
> at line " . __LINE__ . ": " . db_error($conn));
> while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($c_result)) {
> $first_name = $row['first_name'];
> $last_name = $row['last_name'];
> $password = $row['password'];
> echo $row['first_name'];
> }
> mysql_free_result($result);
> db_close($conn);
> }
Have you tried dumping out the SQL statement and running the SQL
directly on the database server? If that's okay, var_dump the $conn
variable to make sure it's a valid connection object. If it is, try
var_dump'ing the $row variable from inside the loop to see what it's
being populated with. Sorry if these suggestions seem a little obvious.
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