Posted by peter stickney on 06/06/05 01:00
Lee David wrote:
> This is probably a simple thing, but I couldn't find it in the APLUS KB or
> on the http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php area either. What I
> find is this script doesn't set the time in the mySQL database. I 'm
> assuming I need to convert the PHP time format to a mySQL forum. The
> display of the mySQL is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, but I don't know if this is
> just a display format or one mySQL wants the input in.
> $time = time();
> $time2 = $time + 14400;
> $name_db = "mokenabarber";
> $name_table = "notices";
> $name_connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "abcdefg", "1234567") or
> die(mysql_error());
> $db_connect = mysql_select_db($name_db,$name_connect) or
> die(mysql_error());
> $sql_code = "insert into $name_table ";
> $sql_code .= "(ID, Expires, Message, AddDate)";
> $sql_code .= " values (\"Dave\", $time2, ";
> $sql_code .= "\"this is the message\", $time)";
> echo $sql_code . "<br><br>";
> $sql_result = mysql_query($sql_code,$name_connect) or die(mysql_error());
> The PK is ID and AddDate. No FK or UK. As the Message field might be
> greater than 255 characters, I made it a blob, but then you can't see it
> properly in the control panel the host provides.
> And a style question. Do people build individual pages to view, edit or
> delete records? Same for editing the table structure?
> TIA,
> Lee
Lee -
I assume your AddDate column is of mySQL DATETIME type?
According to the manual [
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/datetime.html ] the DATETIME type can
expect input in "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" as you said. But your $time var
in the above script is just a unix timestamp, and I dont think mysql
would like that input.
You could use the php strftime(). [
http://us4.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php ]
To steal your own code:
> $time = time();
> $time2 = $time + 14400;
so $time2 is an hour ahead of time();
so one more line and I think you'd be OK right after your "+14400" line...
$time2 = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T', $time2);
//convert unix timestamp to mysql formatted timestamp
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