Posted by Benjamin Esham on 07/13/06 15:05
P-Rage wrote:
> I was wondering what could possibly cause Internet Explorer 6 to loop a
> page usging a header(Location:) statement.
> For example, a page called 'page1.php':
> if((isset($_POST['var'])) && ($name='valid')){
> // insert some data into MySQL.
> $location = 'page2.php?name='.$name;
> header(sprintf("Location: %s",$location));
> exit();
> }
> FireFox redirects the user to page2.php as planned. But IE6 loops back to
> page1.php (refreshes twice on most occasions). Any ideas? Thanks in
> advance for any help and advice.
Technically, the location you pass should be an absolute URL; try replacing
your code with something more like
header('Location: http://www.example.com/page2.php?name=' . $name);
That may or may not make your page work; I'm not sure.
(By the way, the statement $name='valid' in your if statement probably
doesn't do what you want it to do: it assigns the value 'valid' to $name,
instead of checking to see whether the two are equivalent. If that's an
actual excerpt from your code, change it to $name == 'valid' in order to
avoid unexpected behavior.)
Benjamin D. Esham
bdesham@gmail.com | AIM: bdesham128 | Jabber: same as e-mail
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borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages
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