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Re: serving xhtml with php

Posted by Geoff Berrow on 07/19/06 20:09

Message-ID: <> from
cwdjrxyz contained the following:

>An xhtml program can be pure html, pure xml, or a combination of both.
>Thus an xhtml program that has no xml only functions in some cases is
>about the same as an html 4.01 strict program with the addition of a
>few special things, such as closing everything, using lower case
>characters only, etc. In that case the html 4.01 strict page works just
>as well and does not require a special version for IE. However some
>xhtml pages may contain xml content that is best handled by xhtml, or
>in some cases xml only. Thus I needed an exception and would require
>the reason for the exception to see if it was understood why the
>exception was necessary, or far more practical. I should also have
>included the inverse case when the xhtml page can not be written as
>html 4.01 strict without undue complication, often because of the xml
>content in the xhtml page.

A lot of people are jumping on the XHTML bandwagon for no better reason
than they think newer==better. I know you're not one of them. I just
wanted to make the point that the doctype should be the one that is most
appropriate, not one that is being used just because it is fashionable.

Geoff Berrow (put thecat out to email)
It's only Usenet, no one dies.
My opinions, not the committee's, mine.
Simple RFDs



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