Posted by Harlan Messinger on 11/07/09 11:53
philiptdotcom wrote:
> Hi, folks! I'm a newbie to the group, and to CSS.
> Can one create a CSS tag--e.g. <definition/>--that can render this:
CSS doesn't have tags.
> <definition>affray</definition>
Assuming you're talking about an (X)HMTL document, you can't make up
your own HTML tags.
> ...as this:
> <b>affray</b> [ <a
> href="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/affray">Wiktionary</a> ]
> [ <a
> href="http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Aaffray">Google define:</a> ]
> Note that the text surrounded by the tag--"affray"--is repeated three
> times within the proposed output, surrounded by other tags and/or
> literals. In essence, converting:
> A$
> ...to:
> '<b>' + A$ + '</b> [ <a href="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/' + A$
> + '">Wiktionary</a> ] [ <a
> href="http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A' + A$ +
> '">Google define:</a> ]'
> Certainly, it can be done using XML transformations; but can it be done
> just using CSS? (If so, how?)
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