Posted by Kevin Darling on 07/23/06 21:42
endlesstide@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi Kev! This is on the same domain, so no security issues. But, I
> tried both of those top.top.frameB.functionname() and
> parent.parent.frameB.functionname() but it doesn't work (still get the
> 'null or not an object error')
Time to start debugging :-)
Put this line somewhere in your "internal" IFRAME page:
It should say "frameA". If it fails or gives the iframe name
"internal", then IE thinks whatever's in the IFRAME has no permission
to break out of its box... in which case, IE limits parent and top to
the IFRAME itself.
Oh, and is it _exactly_ the same domain? Otherwise search the news
group for "cross domain scripting" help.
Etc. Kev
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