Posted by Mark D Powell on 07/26/06 14:43
wyys.cn@gmail.com wrote:
> hi,everyone!
> I meet strange thing when I create a maintance job for backup all
> database.
> and this backup job just stands "Executing job step '(step 1)'" for a
> very
> long time .
> SQL server startup account is this account for network bakcup
> after I issue sp_databases sp, I found my full database size only 1GB,
> and I found my backupfile is complete.
> I view event log and Sql server Log and no found error!
> why do it take so long time, but stands 'executing ' status and never
> finish.
> help me!
> best regards!
Specifically, How long is a "long time"?
Did you view the maintenance plan history? What steps were executed?
Did each step compele successfully? How long did each step take?
I have seen problems where the backup step works but the delete old
backup step fails. It turned out we had pending patches on the server
and a reboot cleaned up the problem allowing the job to run cleanly all
the way through.
HTH -- Mark D Powell --
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