Posted by Huan on 07/27/06 02:30
Hi all. I've been lurking here now and then since the beginning of the
year. Sometimes it's hard to get a lot out of other posters' examples so
I thought I might delurk a little.
What are your opinions about Nvu?
My opinion is "not bad" but I haven't used anything else.
I started to use it after I had already written the main pages for my
[miserable] project [from heck]. This was to appease Someone who thought
I was too slow partly because I was writing in a text editor. BTW I'm a
novice at web pages but didn't want to use Frontpage.
At first I was displeased because it was removing ALL my indentation
instead of preserving it as it claimed, and replacing my hex colors with
rgb. But I stuck to it and adapted Nvu's indentation and locked/read-only
my CSS file and was relatively happy. Now I've unlocked the CSS file and
it doesn't bother it anymore, not sure why.
Then I found that every page I created from Nvu had this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN">
instead of:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
which makes the W3 validator displeased. But the most annoying part is
that when I try to paste the latter into the newer pages, Nvu takes it
out and puts the former back in there. It does NOT do that to the pages
I wrote out before using Nvu, even when I edit them a lot within Nvu.
Do you think a secretarial type person could edit pages easily with Nvu,
or will they mess up the markup trying to get it to look right in the GUI
editor? I think I'm going to get a lot [more] of grief because my pages are
valid and display well in IE, Camino, Safari, and Opera (Mac), but they
are unbearable in Frontpage's GUI editor, and Someone might try to come
along after me and use Frontpage on them.
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