Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/03/71 11:54
JMcC <jmccloughlin@hotmail.com> scripsit:
> Im trying to do a wee trick with drop down lists. Im creating a form
> with 4 drop down lists on it that a user has to fill in. I dont want
> to overwhelm the user so what I want is when the page loads up only 1
> drop down list is present
That's hardly a good approach. What matters is the size and complexity of
the form as a whole. Hiding parts of it does not help. This is a case where
honesty pays off: the user should get a good idea of the form, so that you
get responses from people who made an informed decision to fill it out.
Besides, they will only see the part that fits in the browser window anyway,
but a simple design lets them estimate the total size from the vertical
scroll bar - and easily glimpse over the form using scrolling.
Thus, in addition to being fairly complex to implement, the "piecewise"
approach probably makes the form less convenient to fill out.
There's a serious problem in your intended implementation:
> <style>
> .vis1 { visibility:visible }
> .vis2 { visibility:hidden }
> </style>
So anything in class "vis2" is and will remain hidden when CSS is in use but
JavaScript isn't. A safer approach would be to remove that <style> element
and have some JavaScript code that initially sets the desired elements to
hidden state.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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