Posted by kronrn on 10/30/56 11:54
Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> kronrn@yahoo.com <kronrn@yahoo.com> scripsit:
> > I wonder if anyone could help me. This html doesn't show the image
> > (the background-image) in the second column in Firefox.
> If you insert, for testing, <img src="url(images/bg1.jpg)" alt="Huh?">,
> you'll see whether Firefox can get the image in the first place. But...
> > <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="height:
> > 70px"> <tr>
> > <td valign="top" colspan="2"><img id="ctl00_Header1_imgLogo"
> > src="images/Logo1.jpg" style="border-width:0px;" /></td>
> > <td width="100%"
> > style="background-image:url(images/bg1.jpg);"> </td></tr>
> > </table>
> ... you should probably start from fixing the markup. Why are you using such
> bulky presentational trickery if you are using CSS anyway? And invalid
> markup at that. Is this logically the main heading? Use <h1> then, and style
> it. Or is it just a logo bar that appears at the start of every page? Using
> <div class="logo"><img alt="...." src="..." ...></div> with a little bit of
> CSS should suffice then. There's hardly any need to use a layout table here.
> --
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
Hi Jukka, thanks for getting back to me so quickly :)
I'm afraid I'm not really very good with html and css, there are a
great many gaps in my knowledge and I'm experimenting at the moment,
trying to learn more.
It is as you say just a logo bar with an image to the right to pad out
to the right side of the page. As I said to Els though it appears to be
working now. I will look into your suggestion for a better approach
with <div> etc.
Thanks for your help Jukka
P.S. removing colspan=2 from the first <td> seemed to help.
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