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Re: How do you center several tables side by side on a single row?

Posted by Spartanicus on 10/31/75 11:54

vanbc <> wrote:

>I have 4 tables that need to be on a single row and centered on the
>page. The easiest way I've done it is to nest the 4 tables in a table.
>Would anyone know how do this without nesting as some validators
>won't pass it.
>using "float: left;" will push all the tables to the left, but i want
>it centered. Anyone have any suggestions?

The correct way to do this is by setting "display:inline-table" and then
"text-align:center" on the containing block element. Alas the CSS2
"inline-table" value is not supported by Mozilla or IE.

You can feed IE an "inline" value instead, IE being the badly broken
thing it is will effectively treat "inline" as "inline-table".

You can also feed Mozilla a "inline" value instead, on occasion this may
appear to result in the desired behaviour, but the snags are:

1) Mozilla will no longer accept a specified width on the table
2) A border around the table itself will collapse to the applicable
line-height (regardless of the table's content)
3) Attempting to set vertical alignment triggers a long standing Mozilla
bug that causes the tables to be displayed on top of the preceding block
level content, and the vertical alignment doesn't work in Mozilla.




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