Posted by --CELKO-- on 10/15/55 11:55
>> Create a stored procedure called spDepartmentAddUpdate. <<
The "sp-" prefix violates ISO-11179 rules. Even Microsoft gave up on
camelCase because it is a bitch to read.
>> This procedure accepts two parameters: Name, and GroupName. <<
"name" is too vague to be a data element -- naem of what?
>> The data types are VarChar(50), and VarChar(50) respectively. <<
See prior remark about camelCase. This should be NVARCHAR(n) where (n)
was actually researched . Please post DDL, so that people do not have
to guess what the keys, constraints, Declarative Referential Integrity,
data types, etc. in your schema are. Sample data is also a good idea,
along with clear specifications. It is very hard to debug code when
you do not let us see it.
>> Define logic in this procedure to check for an existing Department record [sic] with the same Name [was this the key in the DDL you did not post?]. If the department record [sic] exists, update the GroupName and ModifiedDate. Otherwise, insert a new department record [sic]. <<
Rows are not records; fields are not columns; tables are not files.
This is foundations.
No auditor will allow you to put "modified_date" in a table. Audit
trails have to be separate from the data by law (see SOX compliance
rules), by GAAP and by common sense.
>> Any hints from the wizards out there would be greatly appreciated! <<
At every school I have taught or at which I have been a student,
presenting the work of other people as your own will get you kicked
out. So far, I have ended the college education of two cheaters, one
in New Zealand and one in the US by reporting them to their
departments. Is that enough of a hint?
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