Posted by jerrygarciuh on 10/14/84 11:55
Hi all,
The following script is giving me weird problems. I have in this
directory an index.php and hurricane.php.
If the script gets $i = 'on' it is supposed to back up the current
index into a file called normal.php and then copy hurricane.php into
index.php. This should create a backup of the index and then put the
hurrican alert in place.
When the script gets $i = 'off' it should replace the index with the
contents of normail.php.
What is happening is that at the end of running with $i = 'on' both
index.php and normal.php have the contents of hurricane.php.
Can anyone see why? copy() is returning a 1 every time.
if ($_GET['i'] == 'on') {
$result = copy('index.php', 'normal.php');
if ($result == 1) {
$result .= copy('hurricane.php', 'index.php');
} else {
$result = 'File Copy Failed!';
} else if ($_GET['i'] == 'off') {
$result = copy('normal.php', 'index.php');
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