Posted by Cox on 08/15/06 22:05
My address jsmith435@cox.net is subscribed to at least the PHP General
mailing list. I have for days now been trying to unsubscribe from all PHP
mail lists. I have followed the instructions posted on the php.net web site
but all my e-mails go unresponded to. I've tried contacting the webmaster
as well as the admin address posted but all to no avail. I've tried using
the link provided in each message to unsub but again no response. I can't
even seem to post or get messages to this list.
If anyone is able to assist or to pass my issue to someone who might be able
to help I would be most appreciative. Please believe me I have tried to
known typical correct ways to unsubscribe and I have not been able to.
Sorry to post this here, but I'm really grasping at straws for what to do
next. I am truly doing something stupid preventing myself from being
successful at this, then whole heartedly apologize. But I've been able to
unsub from many other lists without issue.
Thank you,
Just in case you need them, I'm posting full headers from one of the
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Subject: Re: [PHP] Easier way to get the name of a variable?
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