Posted by Stan McCann on 08/22/06 23:28
Sid <elsid@nospam.com> wrote in
> On 22 Aug 2006 10:33:13 -0600, Stan McCann <me@stanmccann.us> wrote:
>: > Remember, the characters it strikes out will be bold too.
>: Won't that also make the text bold? That may defeat the purpose.
> Read the "Remember,..." bit
Oops, missed that. Later, I got to thinking about the solution I
proposed and it runs into the same problem; worse, even, it'd leave
only have half a line (height) of text. Although there may be a trick
of floating text over a solid line using a transparent background only
for the stike out part. I've done something like that to achieve dot
Stan McCann, RETIRED!!, "Uncle Pirate" http://stanmccann.us/
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A zest for living must include a willingness to die. - R.A. Heinlein
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