Posted by News on 01/18/78 11:56
dorayme wrote:
> In article <lu%Gg.15407$365.2222@edtnps89>,
> "News" <warren@no_S_P_A_M_wyght.com> wrote:
>> http://www.footprintsphotography.com/index2.php
>> There is a site that seems to thwart copying of the image. How was
>> it done?
>> Warren
> Not true, I was able to get all the images quickly and easily. I
> simply practiced my timing, (two goes, 6 secs) and screenshot'ed.
> And I am talking getting just the image rectangle. On a Mac, you
> press Command+Shift+4 and you get ready and speedily draw the
> rect and snap!
> [BTW, screen snapping is not something to be sneezed at as some
> low rent way of capturing. I was surprised recently (but not
> flabbergasted) by the way it picks up things that are not
> necessarily evident to the eye on the screen it is snapped at. I
> do design work for printing and use screenshots a lot to show
> clients the artwork (they often have trouble viewing the actual
> Illustrator files...). I picked up a fault in the art work via
> the screenshot recently in a surprising manner:
> Snapped the art layout, I have it in png format at the moment. I
> dragged this png to Fireworks and exported it to a gif (it was
> the most economical format for communication in this instance).
> Low and behold, there was a ghastly rectangular ghost of a pale
> background to one small element in the artwork. I thought I had
> matched that background to that element (a placed pic prepared in
> Photoshop) exactly to the general background but no! On
> re-examining the Illustrator file at great magnification, the
> fault became evident and may have printed as such!]
I was sitting here thinking of a way to capture the images that would be
easy and quick and the screen print button jumped out and hit me. I have not
used that button for a while but you are right it is fast and easy.
Have a great day
Totus possum, totum Deum.
Totus ero, totum meum.
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