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Re: Oh please oh please oh pleeeease

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/17/66 11:56

Csaba Gabor wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>Csaba Gabor wrote:
>>>You seem to be getting confused about what I want. I don't want the
>>>kind of "good information" that you are talking about. What I do want
>>>is to be able to form an informed opinion. That's what people all over
>>>the world do. They don't pay a copyright lawyer hundreds of dollars
>>>for an opionion on whether they may make a photocopy or not. What they
>>>do is to discuss it with others, read about it, and form an opinion on
>>>their own, whether or not it complies with actual law. It's not just
>>>about copyright law, it's about all issues.
>>They do if they want accurate information. Anything else can get you in
>>serious legal trouble.
> This is a non sequitur. I am talking about how people form opinions on
> issues from copyright to foreign policy to abortion. People form
> opinions on the basis of discussions with others, and on the basis of
> what they read and hear. They do not, as a general rule, pay lots of
> money to do this (maybe they'll buy a book or take a course), and it
> would not be cost effective.

And such a conversation has no place in a PHP newsgroup. Please take it
elsewhere. Like the outhouse.

<rest of garbage snipped>

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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