Posted by Highlander on 08/30/06 16:45
Hello all. Consider the following HTA:
Sub ButBrowse_onclick()
'-- show browse window and Get file path:
Dim sFile
sFile = Browse
If (sFile <> "") Then
'--Do something with file....
MsgBox sFile '--For demo
End If
End Sub
Function Browse()
Dim Q2, sRet, IE
On Error Resume Next
Q2 = chr(34)
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.visible = False
Do Until IE.ReadyState = 4
IE.Document.Write "<HTML><BODY><INPUT ID=" & _
Q2 & "Fil" & Q2 & "Type=" & Q2 & "file" & Q2 & _
With IE.Document.all.Fil
Browse = .value
End With
Set IE = Nothing
End Function
<INPUT NAME="ButBrowse" TYPE="button" TITLE="Browse to select file."
VALUE="Browse For File"></INPUT><BR>
I obtained the above script from a previous post:
By default the browse for file dialog box opens up to my workstation's
C: drive. I would like the ability to pre-select which drive and folder
the dialog box opens up to. If I run the script from a network drive
for example, I would like the dialog box to open up to that network
drive's current folder. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
- Dave
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