Posted by Xenophaw on 11/09/11 11:18
"David Ehmer" <ehmer@iinet.net.au> wrote
> This page (www.smilelearning.com.au/freeresources.php) displays a form
> which
> accepts an email address as input. If completed and submitted, entry is
> authorised to a links page, a cookie is sent to the users machine and an
> email is sent to the site owner with the email address provided.
> When returning to this page the user shouldn't see the form requesting
> their
> email address (as they have already provided it), just a link which will
> take them to the 'links' page.
> Currently the page behaves correctly except that it always displays the
> email input form. If I use the code block below the page correctly checks
> for a cookie and processes the page as intended.
> Unfortunately the form to email script actioned when the form is submitted
> wont work now. (it should send the value of 'email' to a specified
> address).
> The script hasn't been modified, just the PHP code that determines whether
> to display the login form or not.
> <h1>Free resources</h1>
> <?
> if (isset($_COOKIE['email'])) {
> ?>
> <ul><li><a href="#">Access free resources</a></li></ul>
> <?
> } elseif ($_GET['checkit']) {
> echo "<ul><li><a href="#">Access free resources</a></li></ul>";
> }
> else {
> ?>
> <p>Please enter your email address below to access the free SMILE
> resources.</p>
> <form name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" title="Email address"
> onsubmit="return formvalidation();" method="post" action="<? echo
> $_SERVER['cgi-bin/formtomailscript2.cgi']; ?>">
> <table id="emailtable">
> <tr>
> <td class="input">
> <input name="email" id="email" type="text" size="23" /></td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
> <td>
> <div align="center">
> <input name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" />
> </div>
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </form>
> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
> <!--
> document.getElementById('email').focus();
> // -->
> </script>
> If I remove:
> <? echo $_SERVER['cgi-bin/formtomailscript2.cgi']; ?>
> and replace it with:
> "cgi-bin/formtomailscript2.cgi"
> then the script executes and sends of the email to the specified account,
> but doesn't recognise the cookie, so the form is displayed each time the
> page loads. (as is currently implemented on the live site)
> However if I use the $_SERVER approach the cookie aspect works fine but
> the
> form to email script doesn't execute.
There isn't a entry named 'cgi-bin/formtomailscript2.cgi' in the array
$_SERVER, so I would guess it could not work.
$_SERVER is just a predefined variable which can be used without to declare
it and which contains information such as headers, paths, and script
locations. An example of the keys it contains is:
There would be 2 more keys, in the case the connection is using the https
protocol. None of them will translate a filename to the real path on the
server, but you have to know it. In your case, you could put
action='http://www.smilelearning.com.au/cgi-bin/formtomailscript2.cgi' or
action='/cgi-bin/formtomailscript2.cgi', using a relative path.
> How can I get the form to email script working and the page checking for a
> cookie as well rather than one or the other?
> Appreciate any suggestions as the solution for this has proven very
> elusive.
> David
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