Posted by Wim Cossement on 10/05/56 11:57
Hi again,
I must say I've tried all the suggested options but I still can't do a
proper upload.
There is one textarea where users must put in text about their subject
(more or less 2 formatted pages in a PFD/DOC document), so most (not to
say all) of them cut 'n' paste it from Acrobat/Word/OpenOffce into their
Most of them contain double quotes that are not escaped by addslashes or
htmlspecialchars , I've copied a few myself: "bla" "bla" "bla"
If I add an entry by hand in phpMyAdmin for instance and one field
contains these characters they are stored and displayed OK.
When I store the resulting page and look at it in vi those quoted bla's
are displayed as â~@~\blaâ~@~]
How do I get rid of those, since Thunderbird wants to convert the
message to UTF-8?
Is there a way to limit or convert the encoding used in a textarea?
Or is this more HTML related?
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