Posted by ZeldorBlat on 12/15/37 11:57
Ney André de Mello Zunino wrote:
> ZeldorBlat wrote:
> > You need to put global $blog; inside your functions. This tells PHP to
> > "bind" the variable $blog inside the function to the global one.
> > Adding that should fix it...although personally I prefer not to use
> > globals.
> Thanks for your quick reply. You are right: globals are evil, at least
> most of the time. I reworked the code, which now looks like:
> // =====Begin sample code=====
> function dbConnect()
> {
> $conn = mysql_connect(constant("dbHost"),
> constant("dbUser"),
> constant("dbPassword"))
> or die("DB connection error: " . mysql_error());
> mysql_select_db('blog')
> or die("Error selecting blog database: " . mysql_error());
> return $conn;
> }
> function dbDisconnect($conn)
> {
> mysql_close($conn);
> }
> $blog["dbconn"] = dbConnect();
> .
> .
> .
> dbDisconnect($blog["dbconn"]);
> // =====End sample code=====
> I guess it has improved a bit, hasn't it?
> Cheers!
> --
> Ney André de Mello Zunino
Yes -- much better :)
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