Posted by Andy Hassall on 09/27/38 11:57
On 6 Sep 2006 06:46:27 -0700, wrote:
>How to use CUrl???
>What are the libraries to be included using the
>require_once command??
None. It's an extension, so you need to load the extension in php.ini or
compile it into PHP itself.
>I wanted to implement Range Header and get a part of file thru HTTP. So
>found that curl_setopt() method will be useful. Is curl comes with the
>new php installation for windows 2000?? If not how to install it?? Is
>it easy to insatll?
Yes. Open php.ini. Uncomment (remove the leading semicolon) the
"extension=php_curl.dll" line. Restart your webserver. cURL functions should
then be available.
But see the "Note to Win32 Users" in the manual (the first link in this
message, above).
Andy Hassall :: :: :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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