Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 09/11/06 20:44
ameshkin wrote:
> What I am trying to do is get all the information in the text area into
> the database. But what happens with this script, is that for each $div,
> a NEW entry gets put into the database. I want EVERYTHING in the text
> area into ONE new entry in the database...
> echo '<textarea name="style" cols="50" rows="5"
> onClick="this.focus();this.select()">';
> foreach($match[0] as $div) {
> $div = str_replace('\'', '"', $div);
> echo $div;
> }
> ?>
> <?php
> echo "</textarea>";
> $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `layoutsQ` ( `auto` , `site` , `cat` ,
> `code` , `name` )
> '', 'myspace', '$cat', '$div', '$name'
> )",$piggybank) or die("db error");
> ?>
Well, your first problem is one of flow.
PHP is executed server side. That means all the php in this page is
executed before the page is sent to the browser.
If you want the textarea to be inserted into a database, you have to
create a form and post the form back to the server - the easiest for now
just to use a second page. In that second page, get the data from the
request ($_POST['style']) and insert it into the database.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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