Posted by IchBin on 09/11/06 22:54
Piet van Oostrum wrote:
>>>>>> "Cain" <Cain34345@243K4ooko342o.net> (C) wrote:
>> C> How would I get this Wikipedia XML:
>> C> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Export/Alastair_Ralphs into a PHP
>> C> variable (without copy and pasting it manually)?
> You mean the contents of the document that the URL points to?
> $url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Export/Alastair_Ralphs";
> $handle = fopen($url, "r");
> $contents = stream_get_contents($handle);
> fclose($handle);
> or use file_get_contents.
This is not a solution that you maybe looking for but here goes. The
Eclipse IDE has a wikipedia Plugin that will pert much let you download
change and upload.. There is much more to to this plugin. I figured I
would let you be aware of it.
Naturally the Eclipse link is:
The plugin link is here:
Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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