Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 09/12/06 06:59
Frederick Smith <someone@microsoft.com> scripsit:
> Is there some way that I can get the drop down to send different
> hidden values for the amount of the transaction AND the size.
No. Not in HTML, and you don't want to get different data depending on
whether client-side scripting is enabled or not, do you?
> but I dont even know of its possible to join
> the parameters together, let alone what sort of operator or syntax to
> use.
You seem to think that HTML might be some kind of a programming language.
Well, it isn't.
> If its just impossible, I will resort to perl scripting
"Resort to"? _Any_ reliable processing of form data _requires_ some
server-side code (though not necessarily in Perl, of course), so it's the
Real Thing to be done. You simply get the user input as defined by the form
markup and actual user actions, and then you can process it any way you need
It would be grossly unsafe to include product prices into the HTML markup
and rely on their correctness. Even a child could create a copy of your
form, edit it, and submit an order with the price set to 0.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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