Posted by David Segall on 09/15/06 14:29
Andrew <sorry.no.email@post_NG.com> wrote:
> I am working on 3 'bare-bones' CSS templates. Can I have some
>thoughts on the very beginnings of this work?
> All flexible layouts with no browser hacks and a bare minimum CSS:
>they are designed to be built onto rather than be a total solution in
> Thanks very much for any input,
> Andrew
They are what I would call workmanlike. If you want to create the
impression of a capable, knowledgeable, but boring web author they are
Contrast Jukka Korpela's http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www.html and
Roedy Greens http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html. They both cover
the technical content well and they are both "good" web sites but they
are world's apart in the interest they create and what they reveal
about the authors.
I decided that I did not have the visual talents required to create an
attractive web site so I chose one from OSWD <http://www.oswd.org/>.
Their advanced search allows you to restrict the results to specified
[X]HTML and/or CSS standards. If you are redesigning your site it is
well worth a visit if only to gauge what _you_ regard as visually
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