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Re: Wrap long URL in table

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 09/22/06 17:30

Brian Cryer wrote:
> "Jonathan N. Little" <> wrote in message
> news:8a9ad$4513f4bd$40cba77e$21965@NAXS.COM...
>> Brian Cryer wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> As an alternative, why not use the word-wrap css, for example:
>>> <p style="width: 5em; word-wrap: break-word">12345678901234567890</p>
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> word-wrap? You won't find it here
>> <>
>> That is an MS thingy..... If OP really wants to force breaking lines
>> intra-words of user input he needs to process server-side with some
>> function that counts characters or looks for specific character to break
>> on like '/' and insert BRs into the markup <= some maximum character
>> length within the string....
> The trouble with w3c is that they have too many working draft documents.
> Take a look at, that's the document from
> which I learnt about word-wrap.

Agreed! But stick with CSS 2.1 Recommendation. Working draft are just
that working drafts. You'll have enough trouble with CSS 2.1 and that
pseudo-yet-all-too-popular browser that only spottily supports it!

Take care,




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