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Re: Why does this foreach loop fail to work?

Posted by comp.lang.php on 09/22/06 14:29

Tim Roberts wrote:
> "comp.lang.php" <> wrote:
> >
> >[PHP]
> > $array = array($firstOrderByFieldIfClause, $groupByClause,
> >$orderByClause);
> > array_walk($array, create_function('&$a', '$a = substr($a, 0,
> >strrpos(trim($a), ",")); if ($a) $a = ", $a";'));
> > print_r("firstOrderByFieldIfClause = $firstOrderByFieldIfClause and
> >groupByClause = $groupByClause and orderByClause = $orderByClause<P>");
> >[/PHP]
> >
> >Upon execution the fields within $array are never changed (verified by
> >checking code), and I don't understand why.
> It certainly does. Try "var_dump($array);", and you'll see that all three
> strings were changed.
> Your mistake is in thinking that changes to $array(0) will also affect
> $firstOrderByFieldIfClause.
> The array constructor makes three new strings.

I should have figured that all complex objects that take parameters
make clones of the parameters unless passed by reference. So that's
what I did:

$array = array(&$firstOrderByFieldIfClause, &$groupByClause,

That did the trick, thanx!

> --
> - Tim Roberts,
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.



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