Posted by howachen on 09/24/06 15:52
pls ignore the above example,
use the following one:
$temp = array( "this is a \ntest\";1", "sdsdssd") ;
print_r ( ( serialize($temp) ); // error here
how to make the code `safe` for any input?
Oli Filth wrote:
> howachen@gmail.com said the following on 22/09/2006 19:27:
> > Consider the following program, how to make it work properly when a
> > string contains line-feed?
> >
> > <?php
> >
> > $temp = "this is a \ntest";
> >
> > print serialize($temp);
> >
> > ?>
> What do you mean by "work properly"?
> --
> Oli
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